
Port of Tampa

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Is In the Air

I love Fall.  I honestly believe that I can smell it.  Every year I can't wait until I smell the cool air and everything in the world feels like it will be perfect in that moment.  Yes, I know I live in Florida, but I believe its a universal phenomenon that anyone around the world can have.  The air was cool, a but windy, and the sky was clear.  I called up a friend from my Bible study group and we went for a walk.  I ran to and from her house, which totaled about 2 miles. Then we walked for about 2.5. However, the love bugs, apparently, can also smell Fall, and they were EVERYWHERE. At least they don't bite.  Back to Fall.  When I lived in KY, every year my parents would decorate outside with a foddershock, mums, pumpkins, and squash.  It was our first act of fall-ness, and I must admit about the only thing I miss about KY is October.  I have copied the link to show you what a foddershock is, since Eric still thinks I'm making this up because he has never seen one (  Also in October is my birthday.  I'll be 26 next Wednesday and I'm going out with family and friends to El Tucan for dinner.  I used to have Halloween themed parties every year for my birthday as a child.  My mom planned for months these amazing costume parties (not to mention she always hand sewed the most amazing costumes for me). She even went so far as to by those plastic spiders and put them in ice trays to make spider-cubes.  I will have to try to find some pictures and post on here.

This weekend we are going to Blue Man Group at Universal. We got two gift certificates last year for Christmas, so I booked it for this Saturday.  Eric doesn't know, so he should be surprised. I hope we can go to the beach tomorrow too, if weather permits.  I'm now off to a mani/pedi.  :)
