
Port of Tampa

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Is In the Air

I love Fall.  I honestly believe that I can smell it.  Every year I can't wait until I smell the cool air and everything in the world feels like it will be perfect in that moment.  Yes, I know I live in Florida, but I believe its a universal phenomenon that anyone around the world can have.  The air was cool, a but windy, and the sky was clear.  I called up a friend from my Bible study group and we went for a walk.  I ran to and from her house, which totaled about 2 miles. Then we walked for about 2.5. However, the love bugs, apparently, can also smell Fall, and they were EVERYWHERE. At least they don't bite.  Back to Fall.  When I lived in KY, every year my parents would decorate outside with a foddershock, mums, pumpkins, and squash.  It was our first act of fall-ness, and I must admit about the only thing I miss about KY is October.  I have copied the link to show you what a foddershock is, since Eric still thinks I'm making this up because he has never seen one (  Also in October is my birthday.  I'll be 26 next Wednesday and I'm going out with family and friends to El Tucan for dinner.  I used to have Halloween themed parties every year for my birthday as a child.  My mom planned for months these amazing costume parties (not to mention she always hand sewed the most amazing costumes for me). She even went so far as to by those plastic spiders and put them in ice trays to make spider-cubes.  I will have to try to find some pictures and post on here.

This weekend we are going to Blue Man Group at Universal. We got two gift certificates last year for Christmas, so I booked it for this Saturday.  Eric doesn't know, so he should be surprised. I hope we can go to the beach tomorrow too, if weather permits.  I'm now off to a mani/pedi.  :)


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Its been an interesting week or so...hence my lack of blogging. Now its time for some deep reflection.   I've been running around (not literally, more like the opposite of sitting still when trying to do yoga). Its driving my crazy not being able to figure out what I want, or how to life.  Then I realized (again) that I have control issues.  Relationships are hard, staying motivated in your personal and professional life....well that's even harder.  On a separate, but similar topic, I am still reading Eat, Pray, Love and I had mentioned that it was fun buying the book used, because I didn't know who had it before me and what they learned from the book. To my surprise last, there was a little piece of paper stuck in the book.  Funny I had never noticed it before.  Let me just say this. I don't believe in signs.  I always think its weird when people pray and ask God for a sign, because sometimes they get an answer they don't want. Anyways, the note had two phrases.  The first, which seems totally irrelevant, said "Law of Attraction".  The second, however, was quite inspiring.  Its read, " Excuse me, your life is waiting." Isn't that an amazing little phrase to find?  I have been trying to figure out what will make me happy, but in the meantime, I'm missing out on so much.  I'm worrying about...well, everything.  I need to work-out, I need to go to the grocery store, to buy a present, to make changes in my life...its stressful doing all that thinking.  Another part of the book really got to me in regards to all my "thinking."

It said "My Guru once said - that you should never give yourself a chance to fall apart because when you do, it becomes a tendency and it happens over and over again. You must practice staying strong instead.  But I didn't feel strong. My body ached in diminished worthlessness. I wondered, who is the "me" when I am conversing with my mind, and who is the "mind". I thought about the relentless though-processing, south-devouring machine that is my brain, and wondered how on earth I was ever going to master it.  Then I remembered that line from Jaws and couldn't help smiling; "We're gonna need a bigger boat."

I guess I'm not going to Italy, India, or Indonesia any times soon. But I'm ready for a change.  I want to loosen up. Do things I would never do.  Sit. Open my heart, and not my mind. See what happens.  I'm excited for change, which has previously been a scary thought, but honestly, I don't know what else there is to do, other than change.

On another note, Eric and I have been working on our relationship and it is going well. We went bowling last week (his idea), and it was really fun. I actually beat him. Then I convinced him to go on a looong bike ride. And by convincing him, I mean, he only agreed to go because he feared for me safety.  13 miles legs were HURTING!  I've also been working on one of my term papers for my LAST grad school class.  I am all set for graduation, barring a small setback with my diploma name online reading "Jennife Michelle Levitt" and of course getting two papers, two posters, and 2 tests done. Can't WAIT to be done!

Lastly, I just want to say, if you don't watch should!

XOXO ~Jen~

Friday, September 17, 2010


I haven't written in a while.  I guess because I didn't seem to have it together this week.  Today was great though.  Eric came home yesterday, and we stayed up late watching Lean on  I slept in this morning and went to work for a few hours.  Then I went with Eric to return his rental car since he will be home for a week on vacation.  I talked him into getting a pedicure with me today.  Honestly, guys need pedicures too, and if I can convince him once a year, then that's good enough for  Then Eric cooked dinner for us.  He is trying to put more effort into our relationship, which is really nice.  He hasn't cooked in it was a nice change.  I learned that I would actually rather clean up than to cook, because I don't get concerned with making a perfect dinner for someone else.  He made marinated chicken with spinach, onions, mushrooms, and sweet carrots. It was delicious, and it was nice that he tried to make something healthy.  Anyway, now Eric is on the hook to cook all this week! HAHA We went through my old SHAPE magazines together and pulled out a bunch of recipes to make this week. I'll let you know which ones we try.  Now we are watching Killers, the movie with Ashton Kutcher.  Gym and beach tomorrow, then hopefully hanging out with Nicole and Derek.

XOXO ~Jen~

Monday, September 13, 2010

Off the wagon...

This weekend I got really stressed and totally fell of the wagon. I didn't exercise and ate CRAP!

Back to exercising today and fish tacos tonight for dinner. I could use a few words of encouragement from all of ya'll. :)

XOXO ~Jen~

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Snow day!

Today was pleasantly surprising.  No WORK today! KSC shut down because there was no potable water! I slept in, and woke up around lunch time.  I had a little chicken noodle soup, then took a relaxing bath.  I needed to catch up on some school lectures... so I got ready, did laundry, and cleaned the house while I listened to two lectures. I decided to curl my hair today for something different, and it turned out really cute.  Now I'm transferring music from my CDs to ITunes, so I can listen to them on my Iphone in the car.  The best part of being off work today is that I can go to Step and Sculpt at 4:30.  Its seriously my favorite class, its so hard, and that's the best part. It combines 5-7 minutes of step, then 5 minutes of free weights covering biceps, shoulders, triceps, back, alternating back and forth. Then after 45 minutes of that we end with abs (usually bicycles). I always feel so good afterward, and the instructor (Karen) is funny and plays good music to get down to!

Even more exciting...I've lost 6 pounds since starting my blog, down to 149!

XOXO ~Jen~

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Beach day :)

Today Eric and I headed to the beach.  I had a bagel with hummus and yogurt before we left so I wouldn't be tempted to eat out. We went down by the Cocoa Beach Pier and there were tons of surfers out for a competition, plus the waves were pretty big from the storms in the Atlantic.  I took my Eat, Pray, Love is definitely funny and inspiring at the same time.  Eric and I both got some sun, which I needed because I was getting really pale!

After we left the beach we went back home and I made lunch. I had picked up some stuff to make fish tacos, and they were so delicious.  I used two small flour tortillas for each of us, tilipia sprinkled with cajun seasoning, and add a little black beans, cole slaw mix, pineapple, tomato, cilantro, and a drizzle of wing sauce. After an awesome lunch we rode our bikes to Blockbuster and rented Date Night, Brooklyn's Finest, and Why I Got Married Too.

Now for a little plum wine.....

Friday, September 3, 2010

The good, the bad, and a LONG Weekend!

The past few days have been a whirlwind.  Wednesday I worked out again, walking on a high incline on the treadmill for 45 minutes. I was so proud of myself for making it to the gym 3 days in a row and eating healthy. It has actually gotten easier to eat healthier even after 4 days!  I was debating to take Thursday as my day off, but that decision was made for me (that time of the month  My brother came over and we went out to Bus Stop for dinner.  He is such a picky eater, but he got a massive cheeseburger and their homemade fries...I'm not gonna lie...I had  I ordered a grilled chicken salad and 3 sweet plantains.  OMG, those plantains are to die for!  I'm proud I didn't order the whole menu and stuck to my guns.   We went back and watched Jule & Julia.  It was definitely cute and inspired me to keep up on my blog.

Yesterday in the mail I got a package. A few weeks ago I ordered Eat, Pray, Love from  I ordered a used one, and as I started reading it last night I couldn't help but think of the person who had read it before me.  I wonder what they got out of the book?  Its a fun read, and I can't wait for the inspirations it will give me for my own journey.  I'm proud that I have taken the time to get back to doing creative projects, reading, and working on my health. I know it will make me a stronger wife, friend, and sister.  I am so thankful to the amazing friends I have made this year that are the ultimate support unit!

Eric is coming home today, and he has supposedly planned a Saturday night date. I can't wait to spend the long weekend with him, go to the beach, read, and relax! 

XOXO ~Jen~

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hump day

Yesterday I stayed motivated to go to the gym...but I went to early for spinning, so I ended up on the elliptical for 45 minutes. Then I went to Target and bought Julia & Julia, a new blue work-out shirt, and some other stuff.  My mentor Amanda recommended it since I was starting by own blog. I am excited to watch it sometime this week! Went home and made a stuffed green pepper with basmati rice, chicken, and a little cheese and hot sauce.  The pepper turn out nice and tender, and I love some spicy food!

Also, yesterday I ran across an amazing quote that really inspired me.  I am working on cultivating compassion for myself and for others.  The quote said "A happy relationship is made up of two good forgivers."  That was really inspiring to me, because although it is sometimes are to forgive, its important if you want to keep a relationship with another person.

Tonight...a little cardio...and hula-hooping!

XOXO ~Jen~

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Half Monday...Half Tuesday ;)

Yesterday I woke up and decided to make the Lady Gaga smoothie I read about in SHAPE! I had another one this morning too.  Its super easy, just add 1/4 OJ, 1/2 cup frozen peaches, 1/4 cup frozen rasberries, 2 tbs of strawberry yogurt, ice, and a little water to the magic bullet.  It was so tasty.  I also had a smart bagel with hummus. I really love hummus, especially since Chris' wife Lacie made an amazing sun dried tomato hummus a few months ago.  It was so gorgeous outside yesterday with nice breeze, so I decided to go for a run/walk (2.5 miles) then I did the kettlebell workout (inspired a la crossfit!) form my SHAPE magazine. It was short and not too hard, but My shoulders are FEELING it today!  Tonight...going to go to spinning...hope I stay motivated..then going to make peppers stuffed with chicken. XOXO ~Jen~

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A rainy day...

Today was a great day! I spent the weekend in Port St. Lucie with Eric and I went to Viera to shop a little.  I went into Ross and started looking at the dresses, and and older lady started talking to me when I picked up a cute blue dress.  She and her daughter were trying to find dresses for a special occasion.  I helped her pick out some cute options, which was so much fun.  She was 67 (looked 50!) and she had survived breast cancer.  I love meeting people shopping, and she was such an inspiration, she looked GREAT!  I also went to Publix and bought some healthy food to make recipes I found in my SHAPE magazine.  Black bean toss salad is for lunch tomorrow!!! XOXO ~Jen~