
Port of Tampa

Friday, September 3, 2010

The good, the bad, and a LONG Weekend!

The past few days have been a whirlwind.  Wednesday I worked out again, walking on a high incline on the treadmill for 45 minutes. I was so proud of myself for making it to the gym 3 days in a row and eating healthy. It has actually gotten easier to eat healthier even after 4 days!  I was debating to take Thursday as my day off, but that decision was made for me (that time of the month  My brother came over and we went out to Bus Stop for dinner.  He is such a picky eater, but he got a massive cheeseburger and their homemade fries...I'm not gonna lie...I had  I ordered a grilled chicken salad and 3 sweet plantains.  OMG, those plantains are to die for!  I'm proud I didn't order the whole menu and stuck to my guns.   We went back and watched Jule & Julia.  It was definitely cute and inspired me to keep up on my blog.

Yesterday in the mail I got a package. A few weeks ago I ordered Eat, Pray, Love from  I ordered a used one, and as I started reading it last night I couldn't help but think of the person who had read it before me.  I wonder what they got out of the book?  Its a fun read, and I can't wait for the inspirations it will give me for my own journey.  I'm proud that I have taken the time to get back to doing creative projects, reading, and working on my health. I know it will make me a stronger wife, friend, and sister.  I am so thankful to the amazing friends I have made this year that are the ultimate support unit!

Eric is coming home today, and he has supposedly planned a Saturday night date. I can't wait to spend the long weekend with him, go to the beach, read, and relax! 

XOXO ~Jen~


  1. I just finished Eat, Pray, Love! It was such a good book, now I really want to go see the movie!!

    I am enjoying reading your blog and keeping up with what's new with you! Miss you bunches!!


  2. I want to borrow it when you're done! I buy most of my books from Amazon too, and sometimes I wonder the same thing.

    I've been trying to eat healthy this week too. I actually avoided fries last night, and as you know that is REALLY hard when you're out at the bar. I have also been making really healthy smoothies every day for lunch, next time you come over I will make you one!
